Why St. Paul Lutheran Church?

A few years ago, I began to realize something was missing. I went to church weekly with my wife and 5 children, and in fact have been going to Lutheran churches my entire life – but something was missing. After discovering St. Paul online, I started to realize what it was – a direct, real, palpable, and meaningful focus on God’s Word. 
In today’s world – and in today’s church – there is so much white noise, and I began to realize that sometimes the actual Word of God and the Sacraments took a back seat. Finding a place where this was not the case was so important to me and my family, that we decided to move hundreds of miles, across state lines, to Rockford, IL to be part of the St. Paul congregation and community.
What we have found is a church and a community laser-focused on the teaching and preaching of the Word and on the Sacraments. We have re-discovered the beauty and tradition of the Divine Service, and the participation in Holy Communion every Sunday. In a world where confusion reigns, we have found comfort, peace, and hope in the depth, power, and grace of God’s Word. Being part of the St. Paul church and community is where we found what was missing!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
 - Aaron W.


The church (assembly) of St Paul in Rockford has embraced as our identity that we read the bible. Not only is it available on Saturday and Sunday through proclamation, liturgy, and exposition, but also throughout the week. In addition to reading at home, we gather for Wednesday Matins services at noon for rest midweek. Bible study afterwards provides time for Pastor to answer questions, specifically on Scripture, generally on the faith, or on whatever else is troubling in these grey and latter days.


While the State of Illinois works to enshrine and expand the murder of the innocents across its domain, we at St Paul reaffirm and stand fast for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.

Sons of St Paul

The men of St Paul meet together on Saturday nights for dinner and lore sessions. The lore of scripture is deep, and what better lore is there to know than the heritage of Jesus Christ?! Join us at 6pm on Saturdays for fine food, and at 6:30pm for the richer fare of scripture. 

We've also started organizing 5th Sunday Potlucks. Join us for lunch and conversation every 5th Sunday after the late service.
